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This was a pretty creepy experience!

It is underwhelming to say this game was *inspired* by Iron Lung. 

In my personal opinion, it's not a complete rip-off of Iron Lung... although it has the same theme, submarine, fix-it mechanics, silent protagonist, and even the same jumpscare at the end!!!

Don't get me wrong, the game looks nice and runs surprisingly well considering my computer advised me to not run the program. It's just a shame you forgot to add something unique to it.    :(


Comparing Rusty Barrel to Iron Lung does it a disservice, the developer put effort and time in making a free to play game with a cool atmosphere.



infinitely times superior than Iron Lung, congrats bud.


Cool game, it's a shame that it's a complete ripoff of Iron Lung. I know it says "inspired by" but it hits literally every beat as Iron Lung. It's a remake that looks slightly different. It even has the same ending.

Me gusto mucho


Excelente jogo! Lembra bastante Iron Lung, mas com seu próprio estilo de design.

Aproveitei, pra dar uma voltinha nessa dimensão:

Fun concept. I had fun with it. (1:10:25)

Short and lovely. Keep it UP!!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Cool take on the Iron Lung formula! Great job! Excited to see more!

это как СorpseОcean только хуже. 4/10

Me and Mr. Quackers are doing our best. I enjoyed the game and look forward to see what else you make! Thank you! Give it a try everyone!

Cool short horror game.

Very Iron Lung (to the point of it feeling a bit cheap with the almost identical structure, style, etc.)

my personal favorite moment tho was the chasm before the 5th collectible. The way the ocean floor just dropped into nothingness was terrifying!

Gave me the freaks. I love it! Very little but yet very convincing and horrific for a thalassophobe like me!

10/10 Would smash a fish.

Solid game 8/1

Great game! Absolutely loved the vibe and feel! Outside the sub reminded me of the underwater parts in Bioshock 2.

Cool game, I liked the atmosphere and sense of mystery while piloting the submarine. It was short, but done very well. Good job guys! 👍

i love it

Great game

Deleted post

This was a fun. I definitely felt emersed and could see this turning into a bigger game. Kinda wish the ending had a little more jumpscare to it just to end on a good surprise.

(1 edit)

That fish picture is more funny than scary

A super fun short horror game, very creepy, much like beloved horror game IRON LUNG



They shouldn't had to use the logitech controller...


The game was great. I'm terrible at everything I have to do, so it made for a hilarious and terrifying experience.

Gameplay PT


Iron lung remake:


Really enjoyed this game and the overall atmosphere of it. Skip to 7:06 for the game play.

Коротенькая игра на 20 минут. Понравилась атмосфера таинственности и страха в глубинах, а так же управление субмариной, прям ощущаешь себя беспомощным и неуклюжим. Атмосферой напомнило SOMA и Subnautica.


I hate the ocean. The game in general was terrifying… BUT the whale part was UNGODLY! I was genuinely terrified the whole time. Great game!

Very good game !

very wonderful game


Wonderfull little athomspheric game!

Well its good game, but missing a lot.

Hey, its Iron Lung


that's unfair. you have +4 upvotes and I have -4 downvotes. i deserve love

Even the ending is identical. Sad to see that. Was really hoping this game would build upon the idea, not just copy it.

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