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Spoopy game!!

Good and Original Concept! is great

wow amazing game

The truth is, if it wasn't for the recording, I would spend all my free time to "discover" everything
Prawda jest taka, gdyby nie nagrani, to bym spędził cały wolny czas aby wszysytko "odkryć"


love the game. I don't know why but I accidentally rushed the game without seeing any spooks until the pipe one. I'm disappointed at myself for how I keep accidentally finding the right path. Again, I love the game and its atmosphere


vewwy scawwy

Amazing concept, this game made me a fan of LIDAR horror games. Would love to see this evolve into a bigger project

So freaking cool. I love this game, could do with more spooks but overall not bad. More cool than scary, still good. 


Although I managed to go out of bounds and softlock myself twice,really cool game. I really like the concept of scanning the area and drawing the perimeter of the area to guide yourself. It has a lot of potential. The silhouettes suddenly appearing were also very cool. First time it happened it genuinely surprised me.

On the other hand, the ending was kinda weak. Entering a tunnel and having the game take your control away only to scan a weird monster that feels visually inconsistent followed by a PNG jumpscare.

Other than that, yeah. Game is very cool

I loved the game can't wait for some more content



is version  not scary im play in gmod lidar is this is the first version and is really really scary

first time playing this game and I'm impressed 

I really love the concept of this game, I have to try out Scanner Sombre now!

I fucking love this shit. I couldn't play all the way because it's so well made.

So it's basically like jabbing the world with a bingo dobber. I get you.

Lidar is clearly inspired by Scanner Sombre, one of the most original horror games I've seen up until now. 

Lidar, as much as Scanner Sombre, will make you feel the unease of complete darkness and alienation from your surroundings. It's simple, yet extremely effective, and, as H.P. Lovecraft would say: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

Full Walkthrough on Steam Deck with no commentary. If you enjoy the video please Like and Subscribe. 

Before this game I had no clue about LIDAR horror games! The concept of wandering in the dark with a strange entity lurking was captured perfectly in the game. The strange and uneasy feeling was nice when exploring the map. Only complaint was the scare at the end. Didn't really understand what it was.

agreed tbh

This game inspired me to look further into LIDAR based horror games. Definitely a sweet little introduction into the gimmick!

Interesting concept, would be nice if this was somehow turned into a survival horror in relation to something like Alone in the dark, silent hill, hell night, fatal frame and so on.


game was pretty unsettling for me.. 10/10

I will be playing this live tomorrow, around 700 PM EST =)


This is such an interesting idea for a game, I swear your games never disappoint!

Wow. Este es un gran juego con un gran concepto. Muchos sustos. Espero que más gente pueda jugarlo.

Yo, played your game recently in my 3 Spooky Games series and your one is the first one I played and probably the best out of the bunch lol

In retrospect don't know how I feel about the ending but overall solid game

Everywhere I turn, she's always there...

Despite a somewhat milquetoast ending, I absolutely adored every aspect of this game. Your scares got me more than a few times!

Very interesting concept! I enjoyed playing!
Did give me a few chills here and there.
Liked painting the world in dots and seeing what I could find!
The figure that appeared is unsettling.
By itself as is, creepy and interesting but definitely feel more can be added and the terror of stumbling in the dark can be ramped up somehow with what we are dealing with or even more areas and things to find. Balancing not too long vs extra content.
Otherwise, had fun and would recommend as a chill, different horror experience of scanning the horrors of an unseen area, fear of the unknown and no jumpscares... besides one
Great job KenForest! I am beginning your games always have something interesting about them, be it concept/idea (So far played Lidar, Decontam and Wheat)

Fair spoiler:

The game was far creepier when you casted the shadow of someone mid scan than the ending tbh.
The occasional shape out of nowhere would freak me out completely, not like a jumpscare but more of a There's something there.

the sad thing is that the goose scared me the most out of everything

so good!

Spoilers for the game. I would recommend playing the game beforehand, it's short and pretty good. 
First off, I really love the aesthetic of the game. The lidar mechanic feels like a perfect balance between being able to see your surroundings and feeling utterly blind, if that makes any sense. As far as horror goes, I feel it pretty much disappears when you realize the monster can only appear when you use the detail scan, but the first time really got me (and the "blast shadow" it left behind was a really cool effect). On a similar note, the ending is a bit underwhelming (it even made me chuckle a little). All-in-all, though, I'm glad I gave the game a spin and didn't just watch a lets-play and leave it at that.

PS: There's a ledge in the second level that can easily be traversed to get out of bounds (Well, there are two, but the second one is harder to get to and won't get you stuck). It's pretty fun to explore out of bounds, but you'll get soft-locked if you fall off a ledge while back there.

Lidar es un juego original


Советую хорошая игра и задумка хорошая жаль что она короткая а так прикольно. Ходишь сканируешь

(1 edit)

admittedly one of the cooler game mechanics ive seen.

Love the concept,really nice game.

i shitted myself when i played this on gmod so i dont wanna play it no more

Dude Markiplier lead me here

Jogo diferente e interessante, me senti na matrix jogando!

Different and interesting game, I felt in the matrix playing!

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